sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011

Axe Bitch - Thrash With An Axe (Demo) - 2009

Não ha links pela net,o meu é o primeiro. Material raro e muito bom, aproveitem!!
ah e a capa foi eu que fiz, upei ela no metal archives tbm ^^

2 comentários:

  1. Hey I'm Robbie Rainey the lead singer of this band, did you do that artwork? If so i'd love if you could do some artwork for my new band Possessor. Just email me at metal0calypse89@yahoo.com

  2. yes of course, would be an honor for me, I heard your band on myspace possessor and without words, the sound of you is very fucked up!
    would love to help with your work!
